Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Award Recipients
2022 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(Presented at 2024 TRB in Washington DC, USA)
First place:
Shobhit Saxena, “Multiple Discrete-Continuous Choice Models with Flexible Specification of Constraints, Utility Functions, and Stochastic Distributions: Applications in Travel Behaviour Research”. Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore, adviser: Prof. Abdul R Pinjari..
Honorable mention:
Rui Yao, “An integrated model for ride-sharing systems that considers endogenous demand and travel times”, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, adviser: Prof. Shlomo Bekhor.
2021 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(Presented at 2024 TRB in Washington DC, USA)
First place:
Jason Hawkins, “Modelling Spatial Location Choice and Transition for a Changing Urban Landscape”, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, advisers: Prof. Khandker Nurul Habib.
Honorable mention:
Yuanying Zhao, “Inverse discrete choice modelling: A framework for socio-demographic enrichment of big data”, Imperial College, London, UK, adviser: Dr. Aruna Sivakumar.
2020 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(Presented at 2022 IATBR Conference in Santiago, Chile)
First place:
Stephen Wong, “Compliance, Congestion, and Social Equity: Tackling Critical Evacuation Challenges through the Sharing Economy, Joint Choice Modeling, and Regret” University of California, Berkeley, USA, advisers: Prof. Susan Shaheen and Prof. Joan Walker.
Honorable mention:
Ali Najmi, “Interaction of demand and supply in transport planning model systems: a comprehensive revisit” University of New South Wales, Australia, adviser: Prof. Taha Rashidi.
2019 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(Presented at a 2021 IATBR Virtual Ceremony)
First Place:
Thomas Hancock, "Travel behaviour modelling at the interface between econometrics and mathematical psychology" University of Leeds, UK, advisors: Prof. Stephane Hess and Prof. Charisma Choudhury.
Honorable mention:
Shenhao Wang, "Deep neural networks for choice analysis." Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, advisor: Prof. Jinhua Zhao.
2018 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2020 TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.)
First Place:
Timothy Brathwaite, "The Holy Trinity: Blending Statistics, Machine Learning and Discrete Choice, with Applications to Strategic Bicycle Planning," University of California, Berkeley, USA, advisor: Prof. Joan Walker.
Honorable mention:
Adrian C. Prelipcean, "Multiple Day Travel Behaviour Data Collection, Automation and Analysis" KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, advisor: Prof. Yusak Susilo.
2017 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented 2018 IATBR, Santa Barbara)
First Place:
Chiara Calastri, "Capturing and modelling complex decision-making in the context of travel, time use and social interactions," University of Leeds, UK, advisors: Prof. Stephane Hess and Prof. Charisma Choudhury.
Honorable mentions:
Feras El Zarwi, "Modeling and Forecasting the Impact of Major Technological and Infrastructural Changes on Travel Demand," University of California Berkeley, USA, advisor: Prof. Joan Walker.
Fiona Crawford, "Methods for analysing emerging data sources to understand variability in traveller behaviour on the road network," University of Leeds, UK, advisors: Prof. David Watling and Dr. Richard Connors.
2016 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2018 TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.)
First Place:
Tien Mai, "Dynamic Programming Approaches for Estimating and Applying Large Scale Discrete Choice Models," Université de Montréal, Canada, advisor: Prof. Emma Freijinger.
Honorable mention:
Chengxi Liu, "Understanding the impacts of weather and climate change on travel behaviour," KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, advisor: Prof. Yusak Susilo.
2015 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2017 TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.)
First Place:
Michael Maness, "Choice modeling perspectives on social networks, social influence, and social capital in activity and travel behavior," University of Maryland, USA, advisor: Prof. Cinzia Cirillo.
Honorable mentions:
Jonas De Vos, "Travel satisfaction: Analysing the link between travel behaviour, residential location choice and well-being," Ghent University, Belgium, advisors: Prof. Dr. Frank Witlox, Dr. Tim Schwanen, and Dr. Veronique Van Acker.
André Carrel, "Travel satisfaction surveys meet mobile phone and vehicle tracking: Linking individual experiences to travel habit changes with panel data," University of California, Berkeley, USA, advisor: Prof. Joan Walker.
2014 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2015 IATBR, Windsor, UK.)
First Place:
Adrian Ellison, "Evaluating changes in driver behaviour for road safety outcomes: a risk profiling approach," The University of Sydney, Australia, advisors: Prof. Stephen Greaves and Prof. Michiel Bliemer.
Honorable mention:
Richard Ellison, "Understanding dynamic responses to mitigation policies for intra-urban road freight emissions," The University of Sydney, Australia, advisors: Prof. Stephen Greaves and Prof. David Hensher.
2013 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2015 TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.)
First Place:
Honorable mention:
Elenna R. Dugundji, "Socio-Dynamic Discrete Choice," University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, advisor: Prof. Harry J.P. Timmermans
2012 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2014 TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.)
First Place:
Andrew Collins, "Attribute nonattendance in discrete choice models: measurement of bias, and a model for the inference of both nonattendance and taste heterogeneity," The University of Sydney, Australia, advisor Prof. David Hensher and Prof. John Rose.
Honorable mentions:
Kristin Lovejoy, "Mobility fulfillment among low-car households: Implications for reducing auto dependence in the United States," University of California at Davis, advisor: Prof. Susan Handy.
Matthew Beck, "Development of a behaviuoral system of stated choice models: modelling behavioural, pricing and technological opportunities to reduce automobile energy levels," The University of Sydney, Australia, advisor: Prof. John Rose.
2011 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2012 IATBR Conference, Toronto, Canada)
First Place:
Brett W. Smith, "Examination of the Relationship between Demand Elasticities and Discrete Choice Estimates, with an Application to Travel Behaviour," The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, advisor Prof. John Taplin.
Honorable mention:
Nazneen Ferdous, "A New Estimation Approach for Modeling Activity-Travel Behavior: Applications of the Composite Marginal Likelihood Approach in Modeling Multidimensional Choices," The University of Texas at Austin, USA, advisor Prof. Chandra R. Bhat.
2010 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at TRB 2012, Washington, D.C.)
First Place:
Veronique van Acker, "Spatial and Social Variations in Travel Behaviour," University of Ghent, Belgium, advisor Prof. Frank Witlox and Prof. Bert van Wee.
Honorable mention:
Cristian Angelo Guevara-Cue, "Endogeneity and Sampling of Alternatives in Spatial Choice Models," Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, advisor Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva.
2009 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at TRB 2011, Washington, D.C.)
First Place:
Jason Lemp, "Capturing Random Utility Maximization Behavior in Continuous Choice Data: Application to Work Tour Scheduling," University of Texas at Austin, USA, advisor Prof. Kara M. Kockelman.
Honorable mention:
Maya Abou-Zeid, "Measuring and Modeling Activity and Travel Well-Being," Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, advisor Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva.
2008 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2009 IATBR Conference, Jaipur, India)
First Place:
Emma Frejinger, "Route Choice Analysis: Data, Models, Algorithms, and Applications," École Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland, advisor Prof. Michel Bierlaire.
Honorable mention:
Abdul R. Pinjari, "Modeling Residential Self-Selection in Activity-Travel Behavior Models: Integrated Models of Multidimensional Choice Processes," University of Texas at Austin, USA, advisor Prof. Chandra R. Bhat.
2007 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at TRB 2009, Washington, D.C.)
First Place:
Caspar Chorus, "Traveler Response to Information," Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, advisor Prof. Bert van Wee and Prof. Harry Timmermans.
Honorable mentions:
Charisma Choudhury, "Modeling Driving Decisions with Latent Plans," Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, advisor Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva.
Khandker M. Nurul Habib, "Modelling Activity Generation Processes," University of Toronto, Canada, advisor Prof. Eric J. Miller.
2006 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at TRB 2008, Washington, D.C.)
First Place:
Sean Puckett, "Economic Behaviour of Interdependent Road Freight Stakeholders Under Variable Road User Charges: Advanced Stated Choice Analysis," University of Sydney, Australia, advisor Prof. David Hensher.
Honorable mentions:
Juan Carrasco, "Social Activity-Travel Behaviour: A Personal Networks Approach," University of Toronto, Canada, advisor Prof. Eric J. Miller.
Lei Zhang, "Search, Information, Learning, and Knowledge in Travel Decision-Making: A Positive Approach for Travel Behavior and Demand Analysis," University of Minnesota, USA, advisor Prof. David M. Levinson.
2005 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2006 IATBR Conference, Kyoto, Japan)
First Place:
Stephane Hess, "Advanced Discrete Choice Models with Applications to Transport Demand," Imperial College, Center for Transport Studies, London, The United Kingdom, advisor Prof. John Polak.
Honorable mentions:
Antonini Gianluca, "A Discrete Choice Modeling Framework for Pedestrian Walking Behavior with Application to Human Tracking in Video Sequences," EcolePolytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, advisors Prof. J-P. Thiran and Prof. Michele Bierlaire.
Matthew Roorda, "Activity-Based Modeling of Household Travel," University of Toronto, Department of Civil Engineering, Toronto, Canada, advisor Prof. Eric J. Miller.
2004 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at TRB 2006, Washington D.C.)
First Place:
Chang-Hyeon Joh, "Measuring and Predicting Adaptation in Multidimensional Activity-Travel Patterns," Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Architecture, Building and Planning, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, advisor Prof. Harry J.P. Timmermans.
Honorable mention:
Laurie Garrow, "Comparison of Choice Models Representing Correlation and Random Taste Variation: An Application to Airline Passengers' Rescheduling Behavior," Northwestern University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Evanston, IL, USA, advisor Prof. Frank Koppelman.
2003 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at TRB 2005, Washington D.C.)
First Place:
Honorable mentions:
Sarah Bush, "Forecasting 65+ Travel: An Integration of Cohort Analysis and Travel Demand Modeling," Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cambridge, MA, USA, advisor Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva.
Mei-Lan Jiang, "Analyzing Variation of Value of Travel Time Savings," Nagoya University, Department of Civil Engineering, Nagoya, Japan, advisor Prof. Takayuki Morikawa
2002 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2003 IATBR Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland)
First Place:
Jeong Whon Yu, "Deployable Hybrid Probabilistic-Possibilistic Driver Route Choice Models for Real-Time Network Control," Purdue University, School of Civil Engineering, West Lafayette, IN, USA, advisor Prof. Srinivas Peeta.
Honorable mention:
Tomer Toledo, "Integrated Driving Behavior Modelling," Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cambridge, MA, USA, advisor Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva.
2001 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at TRB 2003, Washington D.C.)
First Place:
Joan L. Walker, "Extended Discrete Choice Models: Integrated Framework, Flexible Error Structures, and Latent Variables," Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cambridge, MA, USA, advisor Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva.
Honorable mentions:
Michiel Bliemer, "Analytical Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Interacting User-Classes," Delft University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering Section, Delft, The Netherlands, advisor Prof. Piet Bovy.
Luis Rizzi, "The Economics of Fatal Accidents: An Application to the Case of Interurban Road Safety," Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Department of Transportation Engineering, Santiago, Chile, advisor Prof. Juan de Dios Ortuzar.
2000 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at TRB 2002, Washington D.C.)
First Place:
Karthik K. Srinivasan, "Dynamic Decision and Adjustment Processes in Commuter Behavior Under Real-time Information," The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Civil Engineering, Austin, TX, USA, advisor Prof. Hani S. Mahmassani.
Honorable mention:
Jonas Eliasson, "Transport and Location Analysis," Kungl Tekniska Högskolan (Royal Institute of Technology), Department of Infrastructure and Planning, Stockholm, Sweden, advisor Prof. Lars-Göran Mattson.
1999 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2000 IATBR Conference, Goldcoast, Australia)
First Place:
Shlomo Bekhor, "Integration of Behavioral Transportation Planning Models with the Traffic Assignment Problem," The Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, advisor Prof. Joseph N. Prashker.
Honorable mention:
Michael N. Bagley, "Incorporating Residential Choice into Travel Behavior - Land Use Interaction Research: A Conceptual Model with Methodologies for Investigating Causal Relationships," University of California, Davis, CA, USA, advisor Prof. Patricia L. Mokhtarian.
1998 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at TRB 2000, Washington D.C.)
First Place:
Honorable mentions:
Sean T. Doherty, "The Household Activity-Travel Scheduling Process: Computerized Survey Data Collection and the Development of a Unified Modelling Framework," University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, advisor Prof. Eric Miller.
Kara M. Kockelman, "A Utility-Theory-Consistent System-of-Demand-Equations Approach to Household Travel Choice," University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA, advisor Prof. Mark Hansen.
(Presented at 2024 TRB in Washington DC, USA)
First place:
Shobhit Saxena, “Multiple Discrete-Continuous Choice Models with Flexible Specification of Constraints, Utility Functions, and Stochastic Distributions: Applications in Travel Behaviour Research”. Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore, adviser: Prof. Abdul R Pinjari..
Honorable mention:
Rui Yao, “An integrated model for ride-sharing systems that considers endogenous demand and travel times”, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, adviser: Prof. Shlomo Bekhor.
2021 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(Presented at 2024 TRB in Washington DC, USA)
First place:
Jason Hawkins, “Modelling Spatial Location Choice and Transition for a Changing Urban Landscape”, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, advisers: Prof. Khandker Nurul Habib.
Honorable mention:
Yuanying Zhao, “Inverse discrete choice modelling: A framework for socio-demographic enrichment of big data”, Imperial College, London, UK, adviser: Dr. Aruna Sivakumar.
2020 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(Presented at 2022 IATBR Conference in Santiago, Chile)
First place:
Stephen Wong, “Compliance, Congestion, and Social Equity: Tackling Critical Evacuation Challenges through the Sharing Economy, Joint Choice Modeling, and Regret” University of California, Berkeley, USA, advisers: Prof. Susan Shaheen and Prof. Joan Walker.
Honorable mention:
Ali Najmi, “Interaction of demand and supply in transport planning model systems: a comprehensive revisit” University of New South Wales, Australia, adviser: Prof. Taha Rashidi.
2019 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(Presented at a 2021 IATBR Virtual Ceremony)
First Place:
Thomas Hancock, "Travel behaviour modelling at the interface between econometrics and mathematical psychology" University of Leeds, UK, advisors: Prof. Stephane Hess and Prof. Charisma Choudhury.
Honorable mention:
Shenhao Wang, "Deep neural networks for choice analysis." Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, advisor: Prof. Jinhua Zhao.
2018 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2020 TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.)
First Place:
Timothy Brathwaite, "The Holy Trinity: Blending Statistics, Machine Learning and Discrete Choice, with Applications to Strategic Bicycle Planning," University of California, Berkeley, USA, advisor: Prof. Joan Walker.
Honorable mention:
Adrian C. Prelipcean, "Multiple Day Travel Behaviour Data Collection, Automation and Analysis" KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, advisor: Prof. Yusak Susilo.
2017 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented 2018 IATBR, Santa Barbara)
First Place:
Chiara Calastri, "Capturing and modelling complex decision-making in the context of travel, time use and social interactions," University of Leeds, UK, advisors: Prof. Stephane Hess and Prof. Charisma Choudhury.
Honorable mentions:
Feras El Zarwi, "Modeling and Forecasting the Impact of Major Technological and Infrastructural Changes on Travel Demand," University of California Berkeley, USA, advisor: Prof. Joan Walker.
Fiona Crawford, "Methods for analysing emerging data sources to understand variability in traveller behaviour on the road network," University of Leeds, UK, advisors: Prof. David Watling and Dr. Richard Connors.
2016 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2018 TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.)
First Place:
Tien Mai, "Dynamic Programming Approaches for Estimating and Applying Large Scale Discrete Choice Models," Université de Montréal, Canada, advisor: Prof. Emma Freijinger.
Honorable mention:
Chengxi Liu, "Understanding the impacts of weather and climate change on travel behaviour," KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, advisor: Prof. Yusak Susilo.
2015 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2017 TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.)
First Place:
Michael Maness, "Choice modeling perspectives on social networks, social influence, and social capital in activity and travel behavior," University of Maryland, USA, advisor: Prof. Cinzia Cirillo.
Honorable mentions:
Jonas De Vos, "Travel satisfaction: Analysing the link between travel behaviour, residential location choice and well-being," Ghent University, Belgium, advisors: Prof. Dr. Frank Witlox, Dr. Tim Schwanen, and Dr. Veronique Van Acker.
André Carrel, "Travel satisfaction surveys meet mobile phone and vehicle tracking: Linking individual experiences to travel habit changes with panel data," University of California, Berkeley, USA, advisor: Prof. Joan Walker.
2014 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2015 IATBR, Windsor, UK.)
First Place:
Adrian Ellison, "Evaluating changes in driver behaviour for road safety outcomes: a risk profiling approach," The University of Sydney, Australia, advisors: Prof. Stephen Greaves and Prof. Michiel Bliemer.
Honorable mention:
Richard Ellison, "Understanding dynamic responses to mitigation policies for intra-urban road freight emissions," The University of Sydney, Australia, advisors: Prof. Stephen Greaves and Prof. David Hensher.
2013 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2015 TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.)
First Place:
Honorable mention:
Elenna R. Dugundji, "Socio-Dynamic Discrete Choice," University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, advisor: Prof. Harry J.P. Timmermans
2012 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2014 TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.)
First Place:
Andrew Collins, "Attribute nonattendance in discrete choice models: measurement of bias, and a model for the inference of both nonattendance and taste heterogeneity," The University of Sydney, Australia, advisor Prof. David Hensher and Prof. John Rose.
Honorable mentions:
Kristin Lovejoy, "Mobility fulfillment among low-car households: Implications for reducing auto dependence in the United States," University of California at Davis, advisor: Prof. Susan Handy.
Matthew Beck, "Development of a behaviuoral system of stated choice models: modelling behavioural, pricing and technological opportunities to reduce automobile energy levels," The University of Sydney, Australia, advisor: Prof. John Rose.
2011 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2012 IATBR Conference, Toronto, Canada)
First Place:
Brett W. Smith, "Examination of the Relationship between Demand Elasticities and Discrete Choice Estimates, with an Application to Travel Behaviour," The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, advisor Prof. John Taplin.
Honorable mention:
Nazneen Ferdous, "A New Estimation Approach for Modeling Activity-Travel Behavior: Applications of the Composite Marginal Likelihood Approach in Modeling Multidimensional Choices," The University of Texas at Austin, USA, advisor Prof. Chandra R. Bhat.
2010 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at TRB 2012, Washington, D.C.)
First Place:
Veronique van Acker, "Spatial and Social Variations in Travel Behaviour," University of Ghent, Belgium, advisor Prof. Frank Witlox and Prof. Bert van Wee.
Honorable mention:
Cristian Angelo Guevara-Cue, "Endogeneity and Sampling of Alternatives in Spatial Choice Models," Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, advisor Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva.
2009 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at TRB 2011, Washington, D.C.)
First Place:
Jason Lemp, "Capturing Random Utility Maximization Behavior in Continuous Choice Data: Application to Work Tour Scheduling," University of Texas at Austin, USA, advisor Prof. Kara M. Kockelman.
Honorable mention:
Maya Abou-Zeid, "Measuring and Modeling Activity and Travel Well-Being," Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, advisor Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva.
2008 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2009 IATBR Conference, Jaipur, India)
First Place:
Emma Frejinger, "Route Choice Analysis: Data, Models, Algorithms, and Applications," École Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland, advisor Prof. Michel Bierlaire.
Honorable mention:
Abdul R. Pinjari, "Modeling Residential Self-Selection in Activity-Travel Behavior Models: Integrated Models of Multidimensional Choice Processes," University of Texas at Austin, USA, advisor Prof. Chandra R. Bhat.
2007 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at TRB 2009, Washington, D.C.)
First Place:
Caspar Chorus, "Traveler Response to Information," Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, advisor Prof. Bert van Wee and Prof. Harry Timmermans.
Honorable mentions:
Charisma Choudhury, "Modeling Driving Decisions with Latent Plans," Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, advisor Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva.
Khandker M. Nurul Habib, "Modelling Activity Generation Processes," University of Toronto, Canada, advisor Prof. Eric J. Miller.
2006 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at TRB 2008, Washington, D.C.)
First Place:
Sean Puckett, "Economic Behaviour of Interdependent Road Freight Stakeholders Under Variable Road User Charges: Advanced Stated Choice Analysis," University of Sydney, Australia, advisor Prof. David Hensher.
Honorable mentions:
Juan Carrasco, "Social Activity-Travel Behaviour: A Personal Networks Approach," University of Toronto, Canada, advisor Prof. Eric J. Miller.
Lei Zhang, "Search, Information, Learning, and Knowledge in Travel Decision-Making: A Positive Approach for Travel Behavior and Demand Analysis," University of Minnesota, USA, advisor Prof. David M. Levinson.
2005 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2006 IATBR Conference, Kyoto, Japan)
First Place:
Stephane Hess, "Advanced Discrete Choice Models with Applications to Transport Demand," Imperial College, Center for Transport Studies, London, The United Kingdom, advisor Prof. John Polak.
Honorable mentions:
Antonini Gianluca, "A Discrete Choice Modeling Framework for Pedestrian Walking Behavior with Application to Human Tracking in Video Sequences," EcolePolytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, advisors Prof. J-P. Thiran and Prof. Michele Bierlaire.
Matthew Roorda, "Activity-Based Modeling of Household Travel," University of Toronto, Department of Civil Engineering, Toronto, Canada, advisor Prof. Eric J. Miller.
2004 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at TRB 2006, Washington D.C.)
First Place:
Chang-Hyeon Joh, "Measuring and Predicting Adaptation in Multidimensional Activity-Travel Patterns," Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Architecture, Building and Planning, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, advisor Prof. Harry J.P. Timmermans.
Honorable mention:
Laurie Garrow, "Comparison of Choice Models Representing Correlation and Random Taste Variation: An Application to Airline Passengers' Rescheduling Behavior," Northwestern University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Evanston, IL, USA, advisor Prof. Frank Koppelman.
2003 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at TRB 2005, Washington D.C.)
First Place:
Honorable mentions:
Sarah Bush, "Forecasting 65+ Travel: An Integration of Cohort Analysis and Travel Demand Modeling," Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cambridge, MA, USA, advisor Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva.
Mei-Lan Jiang, "Analyzing Variation of Value of Travel Time Savings," Nagoya University, Department of Civil Engineering, Nagoya, Japan, advisor Prof. Takayuki Morikawa
2002 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2003 IATBR Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland)
First Place:
Jeong Whon Yu, "Deployable Hybrid Probabilistic-Possibilistic Driver Route Choice Models for Real-Time Network Control," Purdue University, School of Civil Engineering, West Lafayette, IN, USA, advisor Prof. Srinivas Peeta.
Honorable mention:
Tomer Toledo, "Integrated Driving Behavior Modelling," Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cambridge, MA, USA, advisor Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva.
2001 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at TRB 2003, Washington D.C.)
First Place:
Joan L. Walker, "Extended Discrete Choice Models: Integrated Framework, Flexible Error Structures, and Latent Variables," Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cambridge, MA, USA, advisor Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva.
Honorable mentions:
Michiel Bliemer, "Analytical Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Interacting User-Classes," Delft University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering Section, Delft, The Netherlands, advisor Prof. Piet Bovy.
Luis Rizzi, "The Economics of Fatal Accidents: An Application to the Case of Interurban Road Safety," Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Department of Transportation Engineering, Santiago, Chile, advisor Prof. Juan de Dios Ortuzar.
2000 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at TRB 2002, Washington D.C.)
First Place:
Karthik K. Srinivasan, "Dynamic Decision and Adjustment Processes in Commuter Behavior Under Real-time Information," The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Civil Engineering, Austin, TX, USA, advisor Prof. Hani S. Mahmassani.
Honorable mention:
Jonas Eliasson, "Transport and Location Analysis," Kungl Tekniska Högskolan (Royal Institute of Technology), Department of Infrastructure and Planning, Stockholm, Sweden, advisor Prof. Lars-Göran Mattson.
1999 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at 2000 IATBR Conference, Goldcoast, Australia)
First Place:
Shlomo Bekhor, "Integration of Behavioral Transportation Planning Models with the Traffic Assignment Problem," The Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, advisor Prof. Joseph N. Prashker.
Honorable mention:
Michael N. Bagley, "Incorporating Residential Choice into Travel Behavior - Land Use Interaction Research: A Conceptual Model with Methodologies for Investigating Causal Relationships," University of California, Davis, CA, USA, advisor Prof. Patricia L. Mokhtarian.
1998 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize
(presented at TRB 2000, Washington D.C.)
First Place:
Honorable mentions:
Sean T. Doherty, "The Household Activity-Travel Scheduling Process: Computerized Survey Data Collection and the Development of a Unified Modelling Framework," University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, advisor Prof. Eric Miller.
Kara M. Kockelman, "A Utility-Theory-Consistent System-of-Demand-Equations Approach to Household Travel Choice," University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA, advisor Prof. Mark Hansen.