Nominations to IATBR Executive BoardNominations are invited for the following positions:
-- Vice Chair (1 position for the term 2022-23) -- Regular Board Members (2 positions for the term 2022-2025). Please note the following rules of nomination: -- Nominators must be dues-paying members of IATBR. -- Nominees need not be members of IATBR. However, if a nominee is elected to a Board position, he/she must become a dues-paying member of IATBR. -- Self-nominations are welcome. -- All nominations must be submitted in writing to [email protected]om before 5pm US Eastern Daylight Time on Monday, October 18, 2021. For all vacancies/positions for which there is more than one candidate, an electronic ballot of members will be held. Election to the Executive Board shall be based on the person(s) recording the highest vote, except that the requirements for international representation as described in the Constitution shall take precedence: in cases where this would affect the appointment or where there is a tied vote, the final decision shall be taken by the Executive Board. To view the membership of current and previous IATBR Executive Boards, please visit the section Executive Board / Current and Previous Board Members. We look forward to receiving a good number of nominations for all the available positions. So, please consider nominating your favourite candidate(s) (or yourself) or spread the word far and wide. |
Direct all questions to the IATBR Secretariat at [email protected]