Call for Submissions: 2023 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize - Awarded by IATBR
Submission Deadline: April 30, 2024
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2023 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This prize recognizes the best doctoral dissertation in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an institution between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2024. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 104th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (Washington D.C., January 2025).
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be conducted purely through electronic means.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2022 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than April 30, 2024:
- The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices (a dissertation/thesis does not have to be in English).
- An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
- A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped into a single compressed file. Entries should be sent to the prize jury Chair, Alexa Delbosc ([email protected]) and also to the secretary of IATBR, Giovanni Circella ([email protected]). with the subject 2023 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize.
Please note that only the supervisor (or at least one supervisor, if a dissertation was co-supervised) can nominate a dissertation. The nominating supervisor will receive a receipt-acknowledgement message from the Chair of the prize jury or the Chair’s designee, within a week after the submission. It is the responsibility of the nominating party to check with the Chair if an acknowledgement is not received in a timely manner.
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Call for Submissions: 2022 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize - Awarded by IATBR
Submission Deadline: April 3, 2023
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2022 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This prize recognizes the best doctoral dissertation in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an institution between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 17th IATBR Conference (Vienna, Austria, July 2024).
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be conducted purely through electronic means.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2022 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than April 3, 2023, 5 pm EST:
- The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices (a dissertation/thesis does not have to be in English).
- An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
- A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped into a single compressed file. Entries should be sent to the prize jury Chair, Professor Naveen Eluru ([email protected]) and also to the secretary of IATBR ([email protected]). Please share the words.
Please note that only the supervisor (or at least one supervisor, if a dissertation was co-supervised) can nominate a dissertation. The nominating supervisor will receive a receipt-acknowledgement message from the Chair of the prize jury or the Chair’s designee, within a week after the submission. It is the responsibility of the nominating party to check with the Chair if an acknowledgement is not received in a timely manner.
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Call for Submissions: 2021 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize - Awarded by IATBR
Submission Deadline: extend until March 28, 2022
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2021 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This prize recognizes the best doctoral dissertation in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an institution between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 16th IATBR Conference (Santiago, Chile, December 2022).
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be conducted purely through electronic means.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2021 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than March 28, 2022:
- The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices (a dissertation/thesis does not have to be in English).
- An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
- A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped into a single compressed file. Entries should be sent to the prize jury Chair, Prof. Michael Maness: [email protected]
Please note that only the supervisor (or at least one supervisor, if a dissertation was co-supervised) can nominate a dissertation. The nominating supervisor will receive a receipt-acknowledgement message from the Chair of the prize jury or the Chair’s designee, within a week after the submission. It is the responsibility of the nominating party to check with the Chair if an acknowledgement is not received in a timely manner.
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Call for Submissions: 2020 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize - Awarded by IATBR
Submission Deadline: extend until June 30, 2021
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2020 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral dissertation in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an institution between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 101th Transportation Research Board Conference (Washington D.C., January 2022).
The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, in an effort to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be conducted purely through electronic means.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2020 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than June 30, 2021:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices (dissertation/thesis does not have to be in English).
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file. Entries should be sent to the prize jury Chair, Prof. Tim Schwanen: [email protected]
Please note that only the supervisor (or at least one supervisor, if a dissertation was co-supervised) can nominate a dissertation. The nominating supervisor will receive a
receipt-acknowledgement message from the Chair of the prize jury or her designee, within a week after the submission. It is the responsibility of the nominating party to
check with the Chair if an acknowledgement is not received in a timely manner.
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Call for Submissions: 2019 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize - Awarded by IATBR
Submission Deadline: June 1, 2020
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2019 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral dissertation in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an academic institution between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 100th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting (Washington D.C.) in January 2021.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2019 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than June 1, 2020:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices (dissertation/thesis does not have to be in English).
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file. Entries should be sent to the prize jury Chair, Prof. Kara Kockelman: [email protected]
Please note that only the supervisor (or at least one supervisor, if a dissertation was co-supervised) can nominate a dissertation. The nominating supervisor will receive a receipt-acknowledgement message from the Chair of the prize jury or her designee, within a week after the submission. It is the responsibility of the nominating party to check with the Chair if an acknowledgement is not received in a timely manner.
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Submission Deadline: June 1, 2020
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2019 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral dissertation in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an academic institution between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 100th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting (Washington D.C.) in January 2021.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2019 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than June 1, 2020:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices (dissertation/thesis does not have to be in English).
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file. Entries should be sent to the prize jury Chair, Prof. Kara Kockelman: [email protected]
Please note that only the supervisor (or at least one supervisor, if a dissertation was co-supervised) can nominate a dissertation. The nominating supervisor will receive a receipt-acknowledgement message from the Chair of the prize jury or her designee, within a week after the submission. It is the responsibility of the nominating party to check with the Chair if an acknowledgement is not received in a timely manner.
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Call for Submissions: 2018 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize - Awarded by IATBR
Submission Deadline: May 1, 2019
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2018 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral disserttion in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an academic institution between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2018. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 99th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting (Washington D.C.) in January 2020.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2018 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than May 1, 2019:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices (dissertation/thesis can be in any language)
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file. Entries should be sent to Prof. Doina Olaru: [email protected]
Please direct any questions regarding the competition to the Chair of the 2018 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize jury, Prof. Doina Olaru.
Please note that only the supervisor (or at least one supervisor, if a dissertation was co-supervised) can nominate a dissertation. The nominating supervisor will receive a receipt-acknowledgement message from the Chair of the prize jury or her designee, within a week after the submission. It is the responsibility of the nominating party to check with the Chair if an acknowledgement is not received in a timely manner.
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Submission Deadline: May 1, 2019
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2018 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral disserttion in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an academic institution between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2018. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 99th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting (Washington D.C.) in January 2020.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2018 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than May 1, 2019:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices (dissertation/thesis can be in any language)
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file. Entries should be sent to Prof. Doina Olaru: [email protected]
Please direct any questions regarding the competition to the Chair of the 2018 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize jury, Prof. Doina Olaru.
Please note that only the supervisor (or at least one supervisor, if a dissertation was co-supervised) can nominate a dissertation. The nominating supervisor will receive a receipt-acknowledgement message from the Chair of the prize jury or her designee, within a week after the submission. It is the responsibility of the nominating party to check with the Chair if an acknowledgement is not received in a timely manner.
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Call for Submissions: 2017 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize - Awarded by IATBR
Submission Deadline: February, 2018 (Closed)
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2017 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral disserttion in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an academic institution between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 15th IATBR conference in Santa Barbara (July 2018).
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, in an effort to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be handled purely through electronic communications.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2017 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than February 28, 2018:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices (dissertation/thesis can be in any language)
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file. Entries should be sent to Prof. Donggen Wang: [email protected]
Please direct any questions regarding the competition to the Chair of the 2016 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize jury, Prof. Donggen Wang.
Please note that only the supervisor (or at least one supervisor, if a dissertation was co-supervised) can nominate a dissertation. The nominating supervisor will receive a receipt-acknowledgement message from the Chair of the prize jury or his designee, within a week after the submission. It is the responsibility of the nominating party to check with the Chair if an acknowledgement is not received in a timely manner.
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Submission Deadline: February, 2018 (Closed)
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2017 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral disserttion in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an academic institution between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 15th IATBR conference in Santa Barbara (July 2018).
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, in an effort to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be handled purely through electronic communications.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2017 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than February 28, 2018:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices (dissertation/thesis can be in any language)
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file. Entries should be sent to Prof. Donggen Wang: [email protected]
Please direct any questions regarding the competition to the Chair of the 2016 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize jury, Prof. Donggen Wang.
Please note that only the supervisor (or at least one supervisor, if a dissertation was co-supervised) can nominate a dissertation. The nominating supervisor will receive a receipt-acknowledgement message from the Chair of the prize jury or his designee, within a week after the submission. It is the responsibility of the nominating party to check with the Chair if an acknowledgement is not received in a timely manner.
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Call for Submissions: 2016 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize - Awarded by IATBR
Submission Deadline: May 1, 2017 (Closed)
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2016 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral disserttion in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an academic institution between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2016. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 97th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting (Washington D.C.) in January 2018.
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, in an effort to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be handled purely through electronic communications.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2016 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than May 1, 2017:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices (dissertation/thesis can be in any language)
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file. Entries should be sent to Prof. Antonio Paez: [email protected]
Please direct any questions regarding the competition to the Chair of the 2016 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize jury, Prof. Antonio Paez.
Please note that only the supervisor (or at least one supervisor, if a dissertation was co-supervised) can nominate a dissertation. The nominating supervisor will receive a receipt-acknowledgement message from the Chair of the prize jury or her designee, within a week after the submission. It is the responsibility of the nominating party to check with the Chair if an acknowledgement is not received in a timely manner.
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Submission Deadline: May 1, 2017 (Closed)
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2016 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral disserttion in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an academic institution between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2016. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 97th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting (Washington D.C.) in January 2018.
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, in an effort to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be handled purely through electronic communications.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2016 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than May 1, 2017:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices (dissertation/thesis can be in any language)
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file. Entries should be sent to Prof. Antonio Paez: [email protected]
Please direct any questions regarding the competition to the Chair of the 2016 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize jury, Prof. Antonio Paez.
Please note that only the supervisor (or at least one supervisor, if a dissertation was co-supervised) can nominate a dissertation. The nominating supervisor will receive a receipt-acknowledgement message from the Chair of the prize jury or her designee, within a week after the submission. It is the responsibility of the nominating party to check with the Chair if an acknowledgement is not received in a timely manner.
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Call for Submissions: 2015 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize - Awarded by IATBR
Submission Deadline: Extended to May 8, 2016 (Closed)
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2015 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral disserttion in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an academic institution between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 96th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting (Washington D.C.) in January 2017.
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, in an effort to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be handled purely through electronic communications.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2015 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than May 8, 2016:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices (dissertation/thesis can be in any language)
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file.
Entries should be sent to Prof. Veronique Van Acker: [email protected]
Please direct any questions regarding the competition to the Chair of the 2015 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize jury, Prof. Veronique Van Acker.
Please note that only the supervisor (or at least one supervisor, if a dissertation was co-supervised) can nominate a dissertation. The nominating supervisor will receive a receipt-acknowledgement message from the Chair of the prize jury or her designee, within a week after the submission. It is the responsibility of the nominating party to check with the Chair if an acknowledgement is not received in a timely manner.
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Submission Deadline: Extended to May 8, 2016 (Closed)
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2015 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral disserttion in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an academic institution between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 96th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting (Washington D.C.) in January 2017.
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, in an effort to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be handled purely through electronic communications.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2015 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than May 8, 2016:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices (dissertation/thesis can be in any language)
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file.
Entries should be sent to Prof. Veronique Van Acker: [email protected]
Please direct any questions regarding the competition to the Chair of the 2015 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize jury, Prof. Veronique Van Acker.
Please note that only the supervisor (or at least one supervisor, if a dissertation was co-supervised) can nominate a dissertation. The nominating supervisor will receive a receipt-acknowledgement message from the Chair of the prize jury or her designee, within a week after the submission. It is the responsibility of the nominating party to check with the Chair if an acknowledgement is not received in a timely manner.
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Call for Submissions: 2014 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize - Awarded by IATBR
Submission Deadline: February 28, 2015 (Closed)
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2014 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral disserttion in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an academic institution between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 14th IATBR Conference, London July 19-23 2015.
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, in an effort to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be handled purely through electronic communications.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2014 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than February 28, 2015:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices (dissertations/thesis can be in any language)
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file.
Entries should be sent to Professor Marcela Munizaga: [email protected]
Please direct any questions regarding the competition to the Chair of the 2014 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize jury, Marcela Munizaga: [email protected]
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Submission Deadline: February 28, 2015 (Closed)
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2014 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral disserttion in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an academic institution between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 14th IATBR Conference, London July 19-23 2015.
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, in an effort to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be handled purely through electronic communications.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2014 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than February 28, 2015:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices (dissertations/thesis can be in any language)
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file.
Entries should be sent to Professor Marcela Munizaga: [email protected]
Please direct any questions regarding the competition to the Chair of the 2014 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize jury, Marcela Munizaga: [email protected]
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Call for Submissions: 2013 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize - Awarded by IATBR
Submission Deadline: May 1, 2014 (Closed)
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2013 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral disserttion in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an institution between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board
(TRB) in January.
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, in an effort to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be handled purely through electronic communications.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2013 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than May 1, 2014:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file.
Entries should be sent to Professor Junyi Zhang: [email protected]
Please direct any questions regarding the competition to the Chair of the 2013 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize jury, Professor Junyi Zhang: [email protected]
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Submission Deadline: May 1, 2014 (Closed)
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2013 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral disserttion in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an institution between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board
(TRB) in January.
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, in an effort to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be handled purely through electronic communications.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2013 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than May 1, 2014:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file.
Entries should be sent to Professor Junyi Zhang: [email protected]
Please direct any questions regarding the competition to the Chair of the 2013 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize jury, Professor Junyi Zhang: [email protected]
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Call for Submissions: 2012 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize - Awarded by IATBR
Submission Deadline: May 1, 2013 (Closed)
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2012 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral dissertation in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an institution between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board
(TRB) in January.
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, in an effort to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be handled purely through electronic communications.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2012 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than May 1, 2013:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file.
Entries should be sent to Professor Cynthia Chen: [email protected]
Please direct any questions regarding the competition to the Chair of the 2012 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize jury, Professor Cynthia Chen at [email protected]
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Submission Deadline: May 1, 2013 (Closed)
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2012 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral dissertation in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an institution between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board
(TRB) in January.
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, in an effort to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be handled purely through electronic communications.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2012 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than May 1, 2013:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file.
Entries should be sent to Professor Cynthia Chen: [email protected]
Please direct any questions regarding the competition to the Chair of the 2012 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize jury, Professor Cynthia Chen at [email protected]
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Call for Submissions: 2011 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize - Awarded by IATBR
Submission Deadline: February 29, 2012 (Closed)
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2011 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral dissertation in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an institution between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 13th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research conducted by the IATBR (Toronto, July 15-19, 2012).
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, in an effort to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be handled purely through electronic communications.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2011 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than February 29, 2012:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file.
Entries should be submitted online using the following URL:
Please direct any questions regarding the competition to the Chair of the 2011 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize jury, Professor Michel Bierlaire, at [email protected].
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, in an effort to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be handled purely through electronic communications.
Supervisors wishing to submit 2011 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than February 29, 2012:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
All files must be in PDF format, and grouped in a single ZIP file.
Entries should be submitted online using the following URL:
Please direct any questions regarding the competition to the Chair of the 2011 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize jury, Professor Michel Bierlaire, at [email protected].
For additional information on Eric Pas’s (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
Call for Submissions: 2010 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize - Awarded by IATBR
Submission Deadline: May 15, 2011 (closed)
The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) invites submissions for the 2010 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize. This dissertation prize recognizes the best doctoral dissertation in the area of travel behaviour research that was defended and accepted for eligibility for a Ph.D. degree at an institution between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2010. Announcement of winner(s) and presentation of award(s) will take place at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) in January.
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, in an effort to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be handled purely through electronic communications.
Supervisors/advisors/professors wishing to submit 2010 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than May 15, 2011:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
The extended abstract and supervisor’s nomination letter (items 2 and 3) must be transmitted as distinct attachments either in MS-Word or Acrobat PDF format. The doctoral dissertation (item 1) should also be transmitted, if possible, as a single file attachment either in MS-Word or Acrobat PDF format. However, if the size or nature of the document does not allow this, then the dissertation may be transmitted as multiple file attachments (e.g., one file per chapter) or in a ZIP format. Special formats may be accommodated (e.g., Excel for tables/charts, JPG for figures) for certain elements of the dissertation, but such special transmissions should be kept to a minimum.
Entries should be submitted via e-mail to the Chair of the 2010 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Jury, Prof. Theo Arentze, Eindhoven University of Technology ([email protected]), with a copy (cc:) to the Secretary/Treasurer of the IATBR, Prof. Yoram Shiftan, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology ([email protected]).
For additional information on Eric Pas’ (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at
NOTE: The Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Competition has been drawing an increasing number of entries in the recent past. Therefore, in an effort to simplify the logistics associated with handling a large number of entries, the entire submission and review process will be handled purely through electronic communications.
Supervisors/advisors/professors wishing to submit 2010 dissertations for consideration should provide the following items via e-mail no later than May 15, 2011:
1. The complete doctoral dissertation/thesis including all appendices
2. An extended abstract (in English) between 3 to 5 pages in length, and
3. A nomination letter (in English) supporting the submission and stating the supervisor’s assessment of why the dissertation/thesis is worthy of the award.
The extended abstract and supervisor’s nomination letter (items 2 and 3) must be transmitted as distinct attachments either in MS-Word or Acrobat PDF format. The doctoral dissertation (item 1) should also be transmitted, if possible, as a single file attachment either in MS-Word or Acrobat PDF format. However, if the size or nature of the document does not allow this, then the dissertation may be transmitted as multiple file attachments (e.g., one file per chapter) or in a ZIP format. Special formats may be accommodated (e.g., Excel for tables/charts, JPG for figures) for certain elements of the dissertation, but such special transmissions should be kept to a minimum.
Entries should be submitted via e-mail to the Chair of the 2010 Eric Pas Dissertation Prize Jury, Prof. Theo Arentze, Eindhoven University of Technology ([email protected]), with a copy (cc:) to the Secretary/Treasurer of the IATBR, Prof. Yoram Shiftan, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology ([email protected]).
For additional information on Eric Pas’ (1948-1997) contributions to the travel behaviour research field and a list of past recipients of the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, please visit the IATBR website at